Caught in Lies

  • Have you ever considered that the news you read (or watch or hear) may be factually incorrect or even fabricated? Explain why or why not.
I have considered that the news could be fake because there are a lot of people around that would put fake news out there to give them self some publicity.
  • What is your reaction to the two articles? Were you surprised to find out that professional journalists have fabricated news?
  • My reaction was very surprised, I knew people did put fake news out there but I didn't think people put stuff about some serious topics. I did not think professionals would come up with such fake news.
  • Journalist Jack Shafer writes “most liars make things up for the simple reason that they don't have the talent or the ability to get the story any other way.” Do you agree with Shafer's assertion? Explain.
I do believe with Shafers statement because if you did have the ability or talent to write a good story, they would'nt make up fake news, because they would already have good stories thought up. 

  • Given what Shafer says, do you think that colleges and universities should make sure graduating journalism students can handle the responsibilities and pressures? Discuss your thoughts in your entry.
Given what he says, I think Collages and Universities should assure that all of the journalists should be able to handle the responsibilities of being able to write articles that are real. 

  • Do you think when issues of ethics arise that a newspaper ombudsman helps? An ombudsman is a professional journalist whose sole responsibility is to respond to reader complaints and provide an independent critique of the paper's performance. Explain why or why not. Read more here if you require additional information.
I agree that a newspaper ombudsman helps when issues of ethics arise because they allow people to give their opinion without giving theirs or getting offended. It allows easy access for many to express their thoughts and get the help they reached out for.  
